From June 2020, MSCJ together with the FSU Vice President’s office for Learning and Teaching started a project for developing a concept for Data Literacy education at FSU. The subject of the concept will be the implementation of Data Literacy in the curriculum of students at different levels of expertise. This includes not only the sensitisation for the topic and basic Data Literacy training for students from all faculties but also advanced courses for students from data-oriented fields (e.g. data and computational science).
For getting started, Dr. Volker U. Schwartze (Coordinator, Natural and Life Sciences) and PD Dr. Barbara Aehnlich (Humanities and Social Sciences) are collecting information on existing courses as well as topics where additional offers are required. In this context, they are approaching stakeholders from the different faculties. They are happy to receive your suggestions on how Data Literacy education at FSU is cureently organized as well as on how it should be organized in the future.
More information and contact data can be found on the project page.
(Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay)