

Thuringian Research Data Management Days

18.06. (10:00-15:30) & 19.06.2024 (09:00-13:10)

Motto: “Becoming literate in the Data Universe – From Data Competencies to the Application of A.I.”

free of charge, online, German

This June, the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management (TKFDM) organizes the Thuringian Research Data Management Days (RDM Days) for the 6th time. They are aimed at […]

By |June 6th, 2024|Education, Events, Grants, Research support|Comments Off on Thuringian Research Data Management Days

“The Artificial Sky” international meeting & public talk

Next week (01.-03.11.2023), there will be the international meeting “The Artificial Sky – Efficient Research Data Management in Cultural Astronomy for Use in Education and Transdisciplinary Research” organized by Dr. Dr. Susanne M. Hoffmann and colleagues. The joint meeting of the Working Group Star Names of the International Astronomical Union and the developer team of […]

By |October 26th, 2023|Education, Events, Grants, Members|Comments Off on “The Artificial Sky” international meeting & public talk

New exchange event on integrating Artificial Intelligence in university teaching

The projects “THInKI – Thüringer Hochschulinitiative für KI im Studium” and “DaLiJe – Data Literacy Jena” provide a workshop on Friday morning “KI-Werkstatt Lehre” (German). The workshop will give lecturers the opportunity to meet each other as well as AI experts in a collegial setting to develop common ideas for the integration of AI into […]

By |October 23rd, 2023|Education, Events, Projects, Research support|Comments Off on New exchange event on integrating Artificial Intelligence in university teaching

Data and software course and information offers in the winter semester

Again, there are numerous research data and software related course and information offers this winter semester provided by the Competence Center Digital Research (zedif), the Data Literacy Project and the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management (TKFDM).

For the zedif courses, you can register in the qualification portal of the University of Jena.

Digital Toolbox

06.11.2023 09:00-13:00 […]

By |October 16th, 2023|Education, Research support|Comments Off on Data and software course and information offers in the winter semester

Data Literacy Hands-On-Sessions

June & July 2023

in person (Ernst-Abbe-Platz), German

Learn more about data handling and helpful tools under the motto: “Learning by doing!”

In the hands-on sessions organized by the Data Literacy Project (DaLiJe), all students studying at the University of Jena can strengthen their data literacy skills.

The topics are:

06.06. 14:00-16:00 Artificial Intelligence for Non-Computer-Scientists13.06. 14:00-16:00 Order in Tables […]

By |May 22nd, 2023|Education, Events|Comments Off on Data Literacy Hands-On-Sessions

Manifold course and information offers in the field of data and software

This summer semester, there are again numerous offers of the Competence Center Digital Research (zedif), the Data Literacy Project and the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management (TKFDM) with regard to courses and information events on the topics data and software in research.

For the zedif courses, you can register in the qualification portal of […]

By |April 6th, 2023|Education, Events, Research support|Comments Off on Manifold course and information offers in the field of data and software

“Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis” goes to Prof. Dr. Holger Schielzeth

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Holger Schielzeth! He received the “Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften”.

With this, his innovative teaching formats in the Bachelor Biology program at Friedrich Schiller University Jena have been awarded. He teaches skills in data management and interpretation as well as hypothesis generation using simulation models in addition to discipline […]

By |March 23rd, 2023|Education, Grants, Members|Comments Off on “Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis” goes to Prof. Dr. Holger Schielzeth

Sunday Lectures in “I AM A.I.” starting 22.01.2023

Photo: Christoph Worsch, Jena, edited

From 22.01. to 05.03.2023, various topics related to AI will be presented in Sunday lectures (16:00; German) in the exhibition “I AM A.I. – explaining artificial intelligence”. These are:

22.01.2023 AI in administration29.01.2023 AI for street traffic optimization05.02.2023 Using AI to bring light into the darkness of the Middle Ages 12.02.2023 Ethical […]

By |January 19th, 2023|Education, Events|Comments Off on Sunday Lectures in “I AM A.I.” starting 22.01.2023

I AM A.I. – explaining artificial intelligence.

Photo: Janine Kalisch, Uni Jena

10.12.2022 – 05.03.2023, foyer Abbe-Campus (Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, 07743 Jena)

celebratory opening: 13.12.2022 17:00

Why can a computer recognize which words I speak? Can you be able to do something without understanding it? Does an Artificial Intelligence sometimes make mistakes? How does a Neural Network learn and what is training data?

Answers to these […]

By |December 9th, 2022|Education, Events|Comments Off on I AM A.I. – explaining artificial intelligence.

Carpentries Instructor Trainings starting

The Competence Center Digital Research (zedif) will start its Carpentries Instructor Training workshops. Three local trainers, who have been educated and certified by the Carpentries beginning of this year, will train the future instructors to enable them to teach the Carpentries and similar data and software courses.

Date: 06. & 08.12.2022 08:00-16:00 (-> 16 hours in […]

By |November 14th, 2022|Education, Events|Comments Off on Carpentries Instructor Trainings starting