We gladly announce that Prof. Dr. Cord Spreckelsen has joined MSCJ.
Since July 2019, Prof. Spreckelsen leads the medical informatics group at the Institute for Medical Statistics, Computer Science and Data Science (IMSID) of the University Hospital Jena. The medical informatics group addresses data provision, integration and interpretation issues in healthcare. A special focus lies in exploring algorithmic methods to improve clinical data quality (e.g. by anomaly detection). We investigate applications of machine learning techniques in order to improve clinical supply‐chains, as well as process and resource management. Additionally, we use semantic web technologies, including biomedical ontologies, in the area of interoperability and knowledge management. As a major challenge we try to specify adequate combinations of data driven and logic‐based approaches to medical decision support. The group also engages in developing teaching formats fostering digital competencies in medicine.
Welcome on board!